Search engine optimisation is an ever-evolving field, there are new trends and predictions every year. If you are searching for your business to take a better position in search engine results pages of Google and Bing, being conscious of the trends set to impact the SEO must be the prime focus of your company.
Here are my top five picks for the SEO trends in 2017:
Accelerated Mobile Pages
The increase in the accelerated mobile pages is all set for 2017. AMPs are basically open source protocol that permits the webmasters to develop pages that have the skill to load instantly on the mobile devices. The idea, that small structural amendments can make the site load four to five times faster, using eight times lesser data. Google already has started to favor those websites that have switched over to AMPs, giving them more visibility in a carousel with a small symbol showing their AMP status.
Related Keywords
Those days are long gone when you would repeat one keyword all through the post or page. To make your post optimised properly, you need to add the main keyword phrase in the first paragraph of the content, in the title, in the last paragraph, in a heading or subheading, in the header of the image filename, text title, and Alt text. Nonetheless, you need to add related keywords all the through the article.
Video Content
This trend has been on the rise for more than years, video content is said to take the SEO industry in 2017 and beyond. It is predicted that video marketing will become one of the most effective methods of marketing content on social media platforms. Technologies like Instagram, Periscope, Snapchat, and others will also be utilized for making short videos and interactive images for the branding of companies.
Mobile-First Indexing
Google announces mobile first indexing on 4th November 2016, nonetheless, they didn’t specify when this change will happen. At present, desktop-first indexing is still incomplete influence, even though, 2017 is almost certain the year when the change will happen. This consequently, still gives many people the chance to create a mobile version with any possible structure, making pages and content presented both in desktop and mobile versions and reconsider all the conversion optimisation and user experience offered on mobile and desktop.
Dense Content
With the period of time SEO has evolved dramatically, 2017 will be seeing the trend of “Dense Content”, users are tired of reading lengthy and boring content, and topics that are covered in a comprehensive manner lose the attention of the reader very quickly. The reader needs accurate and meaningful information in the lesser content. When we say dense content it doesn’t mean lengthy content, dense here refers to content that has material which is of use for the reader and is easy to understand.
Source by Anum Sharf