Things you need to plan before starting a simple goat farm business!
The fact of the matter is that farming meat goats can be and is very profitable
Today’s episode, we’re sharing five tips to guide you start a goat farm
If you’re a first time farmer or planning to start a goat farm this video is for you.
More details till the end of the video.
#goatfarming #uganda
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Halo Tina i want also to learn how can i get please
Halo Tina i want also to learn how can i get please
thanks for the eye opening, how can I start the farm within 30×100 feet's land space.
How do I start
Amazing job
Watching from India and love it!
i really love the way you are doing your business congrats 🎉
My piglets have been bite by bees how do I help them
Looking forward to my first POULTRY Farm🎉
im Very hope work, help me
You guys is doing amazing job, thank so much for open our eyes and for the encouragement to the people.
Please I will need your help whenever am ready to start my goat farm.
Thanks and God bless.
Hi Tina,
Girl, I just fell in love with you!!!!
Am so inspired, I need a one on one session with you, How can we meet? God bless you always.
How do I do this? I need help
This is what I should do in my retirement
Hi Tina, it's always great to see you ❤
I have missed Grafton, where's he?? 😢
Hi tina am so proud of u as a lady and also proud of my own self because these goat are the same type of goat am raising too and also Same white and white with brown on dem too
Hi 👋 👋 great job 👏 as always where is Grafton
Thank you Tina ❤
Bonjour,je suis au Burkina Faso, comment puis-je avoir ces races là chez vous ?
Very informative videos
Come to Belize and farm lots of land
You guys are doing well and proffessionally. i missed your partner
Thank you for sharing with us such beautiful teaching video
well done!, can you elaborate about the cost of breeding stocks, can it reach 7.4m
Hi, thanx for continuing to teach us!! Where is co-director? hope to see him in future videos
Thanks this is very enlightening and encouraging
Thank you for the valuable information
Cost of building the goat house.
Thank you Tina for the good work your videos are Informative , encouraging and pleasant keep it up could please do a video on how you manage inbreeding thank you
How can someone get your breed in Nigeria 🇳🇬
Thanks so much aunty am so much motivated
I love this !! Thank you for all this great information 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Not me missing this
Thx Tinah , you nice breed, please sell me one male sheep and male goat to cross my local goats
Where is the co-director….I miss him
Madam Tina, Love your energy always kindly make a video on the BIRDS too we would like to see the ducks, turkey 🦃 and the chicken s🐔. … Watching from Dubai
Thanks for your invaluable guidance.
Hi Tina. Can i ask which one is profitable between goat and pig farming?
Credit to the one behind the camera 📸❤
Thanks very much for updating us thts my goal as well ,,keep it up dear .
Thanks again and again for everything HADI from Sudan
Never going to be a farmer, but being that I am a consumer and an animal lover, i just love your content especially seeing that your animals have a good life and are well catered for. 🙌
My sister you have read my mind, I am motived to start though I have a demanding job
I would love to see how to construct the housing
Love all your episodes, i have got lot of inspiration and I would love to pay a visit to your farm for more one on one learning that is if you allow it.
Love from SA❤.
A quick one, you mentioned that you separate males and females to avoid them mating different times. So how do you control that when they go out grazing on the field or do you also make sure they dont meet?
When is the kyanja shop branch opening please?