A strong business plan is crucial for success in any industry. In this video, entrepreneur Mike Andes explains how to write a business plan step by step, with business plan examples and tips to get you started the right way.
Mike Andes has been an entrepreneur since he was just 12 years old. He’s since earned his MBA and owns a multi-million dollar business of his own, along with running the Business Bootcamp Podcast and providing mentorship to emerging entrepreneurs. Thanks to this experience, he knows how to make a business plan that sets you up for long-term success.
Along with Mike’s advice on how to create a business plan, he’ll explain what to do with the document once you’ve written it, including how often you should check and revise it and how you can evaluate its success.
He’ll also explain each section of the business plan, why you need it, and what information should be included. If you want a business plan outline you can adapt for your own company.
Writing a business plan is an intimidating idea for many first-time entrepreneurs, but it doesn’t need to be overwhelming and confusing. Once you know what steps to follow and why, the process will make a lot more sense—and be much more valuable to you in the long run. If you’re not sure how to write a business plan, this interview with Mike Andes is a must-watch.
Find out more about Mike at Subscribe to his YouTube channel:
Here’s the complete how-to guide to writing a business plan:
Download our free business plan template here:
0:00 Intro
1:13 Meeting Mike Andes
1:43 Executive Summary
2:59 Business Opportunity: What Product or Service?
4:01 Sales and Marketing Plan
5:33 Timing: Potential Upsides and Downsides
7:37 Company Organization
9:36 Blitz
11:09 Financial Projections
13:57 Funding
17:07 Outro
#businessplan #howtowriteabusinessplan #businessplanexample
Do you feel confident now to sit down and write your business plan? Are there any questions Mike didn’t answer? Let us know in the comments!
I've tried the link for the PDF mentioned in the video, but the page that loaded was blank. Any help with this guys?
Maybe – something he touched upon, should be expanded upon:
Section 8 – Contingency Plans – For when things Go Wrong!
– Covering How to Deal with Business Survival, When the *&*(%# Hits the Fan! –
[Covid, Sanctions, Fuel Costs, Loan & Finance Costs, Changing Market Dynamics, etc.]
Yes finally free!! Thank you
Great video thanks
Great point on funding the business. Businesses fail because founders overlook this metric
mike andes is little monke jesus, worship
Really great content on this one!
Anyone can be inspired to make a business, but it takes a good grasp of this concept to cross-reference that desire to his/her actual resources and to see it all with an objective eye!
i wrote the notes down from your white board i need to get thing in order
i need help
because im disabled and i would love to have a beauty bar and i need a busniess plan 💕
I’ll get to writing tomorrow
Crazy how I was thinking how to do this and here it is without me searching for it😹😹😹
Simple and effective presentation. So much value. Thank you.
Really wish I could watch ur videos. U have to get them down to at least 7mins
Best channel on youtube😤
damn this guy Mike is 💯💯💯💯
Damn UpFlip your content is awesome! I love watching these videos and it has sparked my entrepreneurial mindset!
Many thanks to Upflip Team for sharing these amazing stories and information… What you are doing is fantastic! 👍
Mike has an i ncredible positive energy ☀️
I think youtube Guru's have killed the "guru" name.. countless scams on drop shipping alone… he just comes off as a shopify guru scammer but clearly he is NOT… just yeah that guru tone.
Any tips on contacting business owners the business I’m working on is mainly focused on helping other businesses but I’m not quite sure how to get in touch with bigger corporate businesses to pitch them the services and solutions I can provide.
Good stuff, but totally going to pick on Mike a moment. I haven't seen an iMac with a CD drive in at least a decade 🙂
This is one of the best channels on the platform. Thank you for the content
He's got the right kind of non-polarizing graphic advertizing,… with the dog graphics, not using human graphics.
im opening up a indoor rental Karting Corporate Track Business The desired date to open is December 15th 2022! Thanks for the help on this video i really needed it. 🙂
Mike is helping me out so much right now. Amazing video keep it up