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Malaysia Marketing
The Labor Market and the Concept of the Labor Force
Labor is all forms of human efforts put into or utilized in production. In other words, it refers to man's mental and physical exertions generated in the process of production.…
SWOT Analysis of Network Marketing For Business Owners
For business owners who are curious to learn about the distribution method of network marketing, here is a SWOT analysis of the industry.Strengths:For decades business owners have…
Market Research – Why Screening For Talkative Respondents Doesn’t Work
We recently published a special report titled 25 Common Field Mistakes to Avoid When Conducting Your Qualitative Market Research. In point #12, we suggest that researchers scrap…
Networking and the Art of Persuasion
Whenever you network, hopefully you share referrals to other people on a regular basis. You find out whatever is needed and think about the people you know that can provide the…
New Product Development Outline For New Energy Bar – Product Life Cycle and Pricing Planning
The new PowerBar GelBar combines two growing market segment products into one - the growing segment of energy drinks and the growing, yet moving quickly towards mature, market of…
Pricing Strategies – The Top 10 Mistakes Most Companies Make
Price strategy is emerging as the most important resource for companies to increase their competitive advantage. The vast majority of companies have spent years achieving gains…
Business Valuation – The Best Definition of Earnings For Small Business
Even with the simplest small company, business valuation can seem like an incredibly complex topic. But if your reason for performing the valuation is because you are selling your…
Non-Verbal Communication: Withdrawal, Insulation, and Turf Defense
Once encroachment happens, people react in one of four ways; withdrawal, insulation, turf defense, and linguistic collusion. Withdrawal is the moving away from the encroacher.…
A Ten Year Insider’s Review of Market America – Pros and Cons
My review of Market America comes from firsthand experience. I spent 10 years of my life investing time and energy into Market America as an independent "Unfranchise" owner at the…
What Do Monkeys, Lions, Elephants and Dolphins Have to Do With Marketing?
About a year ago now, I went along to a presentation on sales. The presenter advised us to think about people's personalities when selling as four key animals - Monkeys, Lions,…