Change is the only constant and it’s a universal truth. Instead of running away, you should accept it and just face it. When you are doing online marketing, a number of factors you need to take into consideration to get the effective results. As we all know that Google – world’s most popular search engine changes its algorithm and to meet the step with it SEO has also changed over the years. If you still fiddling with its old and useless tactics, so, it will keep your traffic stagnant nothing else. Yes, you have to come out of the bed, there is the world outside, face it and fight with it to be on the top. So, here we discuss old school SEO tactics you should ditch right away to get the bangs for the bucks.
- More Links Means Higher Ranking: When it comes to productivity or improved outcomes, so, more is not always better. It is not always correct that just because you have more links on your website means it will help you rank higher, yes, because their relevancy matters the most. So, instead of focusing on quantity, move your head to the quality.
- Heavy Use Of Anchor Text In External Links: The placement of anchor text no longer works in the SEO. However, overdoing kills the quality and therefore, you should move on from this old school tactics to a new world.
- Use Of Paid Links And Directories: If you are using paid links and directories for the ranking of your website, so, you will surely get punished whenever Google changes its algorithm. Because it is not organic result and can change with every new algorithm. Therefore, doing is no longer effective and just a waste of money.
- It’s All About Writing Keyword Rich Content: Content is the hero of your website that plays a significant role in SEO. The use of a right keyword in the content is necessary as they give effective results, but overuse of keywords will kill its quality. Instead of writing rich keyword content, you should write user-friendly, interesting and quality content.
Stop wasting your time on all above useless SEO tactics that are no longer effective. Update yourself with the new changes and be ready to face the competition. Adopt changes is not a rocket-science unless you don’t know what exactly to do. In case you are one of them, who are still wasting time on the above obsolete tactics, so, take professional assistance from a reliable SEO Company.