The Online Web Development is a term that explains about developing a web site for the intranet or internet. You must know that Web development has a vast course and it includes web content development, web design, client liaison, web server and web network security and server scripting etc.
When you design the web sites – web development refers to the non design part of the work like coding and writing markup. Online web development is the full range of designing a simple page of plain text to the most complex applications and social networking or electronic businesses.
If you look towards the history – online development was the fastest growing industries, once it has started to come up with new ideas. If you go back towards 1995 – in USA there were almost 1000 web development companies running on the new age ideas and technology. Then you can look towards 2005 world and the number of companies was multiplied to nearly 30000 in United States alone and it was growing steady to a much bigger target.
Today the cost of online development has come down to something less than a thousand dollars a site – and it depends on the content and the design of the site developed. It is now a requirement for upcoming companies and this makes the growth of the online web development all the more successful and steady.
Let’s now discuss the language that the developer requires proficiency in. For web development, the developer needs language such HTML or Hypertext Markup Language and it is predominant language for web development. A web site is a collection of applications and electronic documents and they reside on web servers. The web site is the home of texts and images and they are placed on the web page using HTML/XML/XHTML tags. Sometimes complex media are also placed – such as animations, videos and sounds and also vector graphics and these requires some plugins like Adobe Flash, Java run time and Quicktime and these plugins are embedded into the page using the same HTML/XHTML tags.
Online development thus is very much into the new age business and the companies – both small and big, keep aside a thought about Online web development when thinking about the advertisement and growth of the company. The web development helps to provide web applications and graphics and videos that carry a portfolio of the company. They feel in this competitive market it has become essential for the growth and prosperity and tenurity of the company.
To go with the website development – the companies would require some details such as the time frame and the budget, the idea that needs to be projected, if the market will be local or international and if the companies will provide the write-up and the logo of the company.
In this day of competition, you remain one step ahead and you do stay in constant focus of your customers if you keep on updating the web sites developed for your company regularly.