👍 www.rnetwork.io👍 *°r network* *Such a Amazing real & super banking concept from USA* It’s not a MLM and invest ment plan it’s a practical Banking concept
This 👇 Compensation Plan *shall come into effect from JAN – 2020😎*Joining link 👇👇👇👇👇👇
*Now it pre launching period*
(1) Free Ragistration as faan (2) Charter member (CM) paid I’d in
USD 30 $ (1-time SetUp Fee)
*+* USD 38$ (Monthly Subscription)
= *USD $68* (1st month ONLY)…
*USD 38$* (Monthly Subscription) *(pay through your earning)*
*TBS Residual Income…*
EARN *US $2.00 on every CM* in your 3 x 10 Forced Matriz, as per your *T-* qualification.
*POWER OF 3 _(optional)_ …*
*ME & 3 qualification* from date of paying the 1st subscription…
🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳Registration process🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
*3 Sponsor I’d*
*GET…* 👇👇👇👇👇
💰 *US $50.00* EVERY MONTH as *T-3*Royalty bonus (life time )
💰 *Get 10-TIERS (T-10) qualified.*
*NOTE》* MUST *always* maintain 3 personally enrolled CMs ACTIVE *otherwise* the above *benefit becomes INVALID* & shall *need to qualify with 10 in PEN* to earn all 10 TIERS income.
*Global Revenue Share (GRS) Income…*
*10 personally enrolled (10 Sponsor) thus *earn* from the *GRS*,
When you have *10* FOUNDER Members *(FM)* (who have their 10 in the PEN) thus *earn* from the *GRS*,
👇 * *3 by 10 Matrix plan Ka power or income*
Level TEAM Monthly Income
1. 03 06 $
2. 09 18 $
3. 27 54 $
4. 81 162 $
5. 243 486 $
6. 729 1458 $
7. 2187 4374 $
8. 6561 13122 $
9. 19683 39366 $
10. 59049 118098 $
TOTAL :- 88572 *177144 $ Every Month*
*CompanyDetails/ Entity Details* : : https://secure.utah.gov/bes/details.html?entity=11373674-0161